This week we created animations using Adobe After Effects and assembled our project in Adobe aero. Our project took a strong pivot from our initial brainstorming, leaning more towards Nakyung’s original magic door idea. We decided the door would act as a portal to different worlds, and divided up the work so that we’d complete two animations of these worlds each.

My ideas were a portal to Antartica to hang out with some penguins and a portal to outer space. I played around with simple keyframe animations in After Effects, and also played around with Aero’s rudimentary but intuitive actions such as tapping, rotating, orbiting, and more.



Final Result Demo

Try the project for yourself!

Final Thoughts

Overall, this was a fun foray into two softwares I had never used before. Between the two programs, I thought After Effects tended to be too complicated and Aero too basic. Sharing an aero project file between me and Nakyung turned out to be impossible, which I thought was the biggest drawback in a partner-designed project. Nevertheless, I had fun playing around in AR and I thought Nakyung’s animations turned out to be really cute and unique! Learning about the principles of animation was also very useful, and I hope to apply them in my future work.