Our first assignment was to redesign a plane ticket, using what we’ve learned of the basic elements of design. Here’s the original ticket, in all of its glory:



The challenge was to keep basically all the information presented in this ticket, but to design it in a better way.

The first thing I noticed is that the ticket was too busy - there’s so much information thrown at you at once, and your eyes don’t know where to look first. Having a strong hierarchy of information is something I wanted to prioritize, contributing to my decision to make the ticket have a vertical orientation.

I also noted that this ticket was rather confusing. All the text is nearly the same size, so much so that the most important information like seat number had to be boxed so that you wouldn’t missi t. I wanted to stagger text size to make the most helpful information also the things you see first.

Finally, with all due respect, this ticket is ugly. While the real world may be constrained by their budget and may not be able to afford color tickets, for the purpose of this assignment I ran with it and created something I thought was beautiful to look at, even calming on a stressful travel day. I used soft blue gradients and light cloud accents to achieve this.

With all this in mind, here’s my stab at redesigning a plane ticket:

My Take



I’m proud of how this turned out, but also after time to think ,as well as class critique, I think future revisions could stratify information better, perhaps adding margins between different sections of the ticket. I also learned the trick of skipping a weight in font to make the contrast pop more, i.e. making one font light and the other bold.